Mitos do marketing que estão matando seus negócios
Mitos do marketing que estão matando seus negócios
Autor: Kevin J. Clancy e Robert S. Shulman
Editora: Makron Books

Uma história de amor mercadológica
Uma história de amor mercadológica
Autor: PYR Marcondes
Editora : Meio & Mensagem

Les études de marché
Les études de marché
Autor: New York American Marketing Association
Editora: New York Amer Marketing Assn

Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Marketing Research offers the best approach toward communicating the intricacies of this field and its usefulness to the marketing organization. "Macro-micro-macro" in design, and fitting for students in the intermediate or advanced courses, this highly-regarded text focuses on market intelligence, strategy, theory, and application. The new tenth edition retains its coverage of the most advanced and current marketing research methodologies and points out their limitations, as well their potential for enhancing research results. It also brings to the forefront the relevance of marketing intelligence, the power of the Internet in marketing research applications, and much more.
Autor :David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S. Day, Robert Leone
Editora :Wiley

Italianos na Amazônia
Italianos na Amazônia
Autor:Marília Ferreira Emmi

Ilustracion de los niveles sócio economicos en México
Ilustracion de los niveles sócio economicos en México
Marketing Research offers the best approach toward communicating the intricacies of this field and its usefulness to the marketing organization. "Macro-micro-macro" in design, and fitting for students in the intermediate or advanced courses, this highly-regarded text focuses on market intelligence, strategy, theory, and application. The new tenth edition retains its coverage of the most advanced and current marketing research methodologies and points out their limitations, as well their potential for enhancing research results. It also brings to the forefront the relevance of marketing intelligence, the power of the Internet in marketing research applications, and much more.
Autor: Heriberto Lopez Romo
Editora: Investigaciones Sociales S.C

Economia micro e macro terceira edição
Economia micro e macro terceira edição
Autor :Marco Antônio Sandoval de Vasconcelos
Editora: Atlas

XML aplicações práticas
XML aplicações práticas
Autor: Osmar J. Silva
Editora: Érica

Introdução a programação orientada a objetos com visual basic
Introdução a programação orientada a objetos com visual basic
Este livro oferece um ponto de partida para o estudo de Visual Basic .NET, da POO e de projetos da UML. Oferece também atividades práticas e um estudo de caso simulando o ciclo do projeto de uma aplicação real.
Autor: Clark, Dan
Editora: Ciencia Moderna

How to Chart: Facts from Figures with Graphs
How to Chart: Facts from Figures with Graphs
Autor :Walter E. Weld
Editora :Literary Licensing

Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire Design
A basic guide to the role and creation of questionnaires, which explains how the design of a questionnaire is a skill guided by rules and principles. The text covers questionnaire layout and gives examples of the types of questions market researchers should ask to achieve certain results.
Autor :Paul N. Hague
Editora: Kogan Page

A course in multivariate analysis
A course in multivariate analysis
Autor: Maurice George Kendall
Editora: Hafner Pub. Co

GreenBook Worldwide Directory of Marketing Research Companies and
GreenBook Worldwide Directory of Marketing Research Companies and Services
Autor: New York American Marketing Association
Editora: New York Amer Marketing Assn

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